Wednesday, October 12, 2011

my africa

i miss everything about it and i love everything about it. i love the ideosyncracies that piss everyone else off. i love the people. i love that taxis hoot and drive down the road like crazy people. i love that we have a beautiful and real rythym that stems from a unification of a multitude of cultures. i love how our landscape people and places make me feel like my feet grew from the ground and soil upon which i stand. i love how things don't always work like they should. i love that we don't have proper public transport. i hate the tubes. i sit looking at peopole every morning. doing the same shit they have done every day for the last however many years. on the same page of the same newspaper. i wonder what they do and how many hours they have spent doing just this. sitting underground. and then i remember the space that south africa allows you. the space to breathe. to scream. to dance. to be. and i feel at home just thinking about it.